Sunday, 25 January 2009

Fathers and sons - Bepi Ghiotti

Fathers and sons 2001/2006

As father as son, We're used to say.
The project was born due to a self-therapeutic need of a deeper understanding of the
relationship binding fathers and sons, with the goal of investigating the ancient and 
unsolved love and hate conflict experienced within these two generations.
Using long exposure, compared to an instant shot, therefore having to shoot in 
the dark, in order to achieve longer shooting times, allowed me to consider the deeper 
meaning of being in front of a camera and brought both the photographer and the 
people portrayed in a state of greater consciousness and intimacy.
I asked the couples of individuals, in the age of duty handover, to pose sitting one next 
to the other, in a place which tells a story of their life together, and wait in the dark 
so that they would lose any tension, any attitude or pose to then expose the photographic 
slab for as long as a minute. 

Leaving a son with his father, still, in a state of abandon 
where I hide in the time passing by.
Silence, together, and see what's left.

             Bepi Ghiotti 

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